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Reading Plus Levels – A Comprehensive Guide to All Levels

This is the right place for Reading Plus levels.

The levels found in Reading Plus are explained in detail here along with who they are intended for.

Before we begin, we must understand Reading Plus’ vision and mission.

What is Reading Plus?

This system is a good choice for people who are interested in improving their readability, vocabulary, and memory.

Reading Plus allows students to overcome the hurdle of reading inefficiency by improving their reading skills at their own pace.

It is essential for Reading Plus to have a system that caters to students from a variety of backgrounds who struggle with readability at different levels.

Hence, the idea of introducing different Reading Plus levels was born.

These levels come with different Reading Plus stories.

This resulted in improvement for every student regardless of their readability score.

The purpose of this article is to explain the Reading Plus levels and who they’re intended for.

Reading Plus Levels and Who They Are For?

Following are the levels found in the Reading Plus system with who they serve:

SeeReader LevelGrade LevelG-Rate Goal
(words per minute)
A, HiA1110
B, HiB2145
C, HiC3160
D, HiD4175
E, HiE5185
MCollege and Career280

Note: ‘Hi’ levels contain stories and study materials with low readability but high interest.

To date, these are all the levels available in Reading Plus.

If the program feels that changes are needed to better serve students, these levels may change in the future.

That’s all there is to know about Reading Plus levels.

If you are looking to learn more about Reading Plus answer keys to different stories inside these levels, our website helps with that as well.

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